Category: Fleming Physical Therapy Consultants

Therapeutic Massage Nov20th 2022

Optimize Your Athletic Performance and Reduce Recovery Time with Therapeutic Massage

If you are an athlete, you likely already understand the importance of maintaining good health, especially when it comes to competing in the sport you love. But did you know that working with an experienced physical therapist can hugely improve your athletic performance and your overall health, especially when you’re recovering from an injury? When

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Back Pain Nov10th 2022

How Improving Your Posture Can Eliminate Back Pain

We’ve all heard the phrase, “sit up straight” before. However, this seemingly simple task is sometimes easier said than done. Most people recognize that posture is an important part of your overall health, yet it is something that is constantly overlooked. Think about how you end a long day of school or work. Do you

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Oct10th 2022

Pediatric PT Can Help With Balance and Gait Disorders

Is your child having trouble staying upright while walking or running? Do you see them moving in strange patterns? If this is the case, your child may have a balance or gait disorder. Underlying musculoskeletal and neurological disorders in children can cause or aggravate balance or gait issues. There are numerous causes for this condition,

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